Where for art thou?

Nope, I haven’t forgotten about this blog. It’s just been a busy few months what with having a wedding coming up in the Autumn, which hasn’t left me with a lot of spare time to put up anything more indepth recently and also meant I had to skip a few of the bigger summer conferences

World IA Day 2017 – Manchester

Despite having being linked to in various locations online for some months, I somehow managed to miss all mention of World IA Day having a Manchester event added for 2017 until quite late on when I spotted a tweet from one of the sponsors Sigma. In addition, I’m sure it must have been mentioned at

Welcome to 2017… and Thank God for Cloudflare

It was a news story that got a little lost around Christmas due to the news about Carrie Fisher coming out at the same time. But for those into their literature, the famed author of Watership Down, Richard Adams passed away on Christmas Eve. A terribly sad bit of news, especially to come at that